Raising understanding and action in the climate crisis

Landsat imagery courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and U.S. Geological Survey.

Reading List

Raising understanding and action in the climate crisis

By Christie Henry

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For decades Princeton University Press has been publishing books about the planet, to introduce the biodiversity of the natural world to the human species the world over. But a reverence for nature, and an understanding of ecological and evolutionary processes, is not enough to counter the climate crisis. Temperatures are warming, and shifting weather patterns are disrupting the balance of nature in unprecedented ways. Climate change has hastened the extinction of species and entire ecosystems, and poses innumerable risks to humans, including deaths of despair, rising sea levels in coastal communities, cataclysmic storms, supply chain disruptions, and extreme inequities.

What remains a constant in this dynamic world is the need for research, for innovation, for integrative policies, and for courageous experimentation.

In this collection of curated publications, we share that scientific research, that bold policy, the historic context that shapes our worlds and our narratives, and the scholarship necessary to ignite conversations and actions. As a publisher we commit to sustainability as a pillar of our publishing, and to the continued publication of works that inform our understanding of what it will take to create a sustainable future for all species. These books inspire us in that stewardship, as we hope they will for you.

Focus on Climate Collection

Christie Henry is Director of Princeton University Press.